There are three basic steps to Inductive Bible Study: Observation, Interpretation, and Application. There are several great books on how to study the Bible. Howard Hendrick’s Living By The Bookis my favorite. And there are others like Kay Arthur’s How To Study Your Bible, John MacArthur’s How to Study the Bible, and Rick Warren’s Bible Study Methods. During the observation phase I prayerfully bombard the text with questions and rely on the Spirit to give me insight as I meditate on God’s Word. While making observations, I like to use Rick Warren’s SPACE PETS questions. 

S–       Is there a Sin to confess?

P–       Is there a Promise to claim?  

A–      Is there any Attitude to change? 

C–      Is there a Command to obey?  

E–      Is there an Example to follow? 

P–       Is there a Prayer to pray?  

E–      Is there an Error to avoid?  

T–      Is there a Truth to believe?  

S–       Is there Something to thank God for? 

Try it! Read God’s word and ask SPACE PETS questions.