We hadn’t finished Halloween sugar rush and already the Christmas hype had started. Even the Hallmark channel is showing non-stop Christmas movies. Don’t get me wrong, I love Christmas, but there is such a thing as too much! -Especially for children, their eyes dance at the sight of the Christmas catalogs arriving.
So what can be done to do to bring down the intensity, while preserving the wonder of Christmas?
- Limit exposure to the holiday madness. If you must watch television, pull out the videos that are not focused on a holiday at least until after Thanksgiving.
- Get outside and do something. Rake leaves and jump in them with your child. Go to the park and view the glory that God made with your child. Walk to a neighbor who is shut-in or just lonely with your child, with the purpose of letting the neighbor know Jesus loves them.
- Take some time to enjoy giving “THANKS”. Make a card to thank a teacher, custodian, or pastor with your child. Plan a play date with a friend who has been helpful to you in the past and include the children (oh, did you think the play date was for the children, hmm funny.) Include a moment to thank the person for their helpful attitude.
- Encourage the attitude of giving over getting. Make gifts with your child to give to family and friends. Intentionally give them opportunities to express the spirit of giving. Help them to create lists of people they might bless with the true spirit of Christmas.
- Read age-appropriate books to your children about the birth of the Savior. Isn’t that the reason we celebrate in the first place? Remember young children learn best through play, so Grandma’s antique nativity set may be beautiful, but the children are more likely to get more understanding from a nativity set that they can touch, move and use in pretend, symbolic play.
All of this said and done, don’t miss Thanksgiving because Christmas is coming like a train wreck. Have two happy holidays!