Thank You!

We are just a few weeks away from our trip to Roatán, Honduras! As we prepare to leave, I have to say that I am completely humbled by the outpouring of support that our team has received. Praise the Lord for such a strong body of believers willing to share their blessings with us! This trip would not be possible without all of your support and prayer.

So far, we have raised approximately $28,600 and we are very close to having all that we need. This is absolutely incredible and we are so thankful for those of you that have contributed financially and those of you that have been praying for our team and the people of Roatán. 

In the next few weeks before we go, we ask that you continue to pray for us. Pray that God will go before us and prepare the partnerships with the communities with whom will be working. Pray that our hearts are focused on God, that God grants us wisdom and boldness to share the gospel, that we are gentle and loving to the people we encounter, and that our actions glorify Him. Pray for the people that we will be working alongside, and that their eyes and hearts will be opened to Christ.

gain, we thank you, and we cannot wait to share what God has done when we return!