There are so many pressures on today’s families that to even list them would be a blog in and of itself. Therefore families must set priorities. Where are the spiritual priorities of your family? Take a moment to consider: Did I speak of Jesus to my child today? Did I read them a Bible story? Did I pray with them today? Did I pray over them today? If the answer to any of these questions is no, then perhaps you should reconsider your priorities.
Research has shown us that during the first four years of life patterns of behavior are established. It is during the first four years that their language and thinking patterns are developed. It is during the first four years of life that their thinking patterns are developed. So doesn’t it make sense that during the first four years of life, the spiritual patterns are developed as well? If that is the case, then what must we do to make that happen?
- Stimulate spiritual development by doing things such as singing Bible songs, praying, and reading to your child, yes even to babies.
- Reinforce the precepts of spiritual development. In other words, explain why you do or do not do certain things.
- Model Godly living. Children are watchers and imitators of adult behaviors, make sure that what you are doing sets a good example.
- When you make a mistake, own it, and change your behavior.
- Speak of Jesus as you would any other friend.
God doesn’t call us to be perfect, He call us to be doers. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew19:14 NIV