Why do I still feel so tempted after giving myself to the Lord?

One of the hardest parts of staying sober is old habits, when things go bad or anything that triggers our dependent behaviors. God never said that when you come to Him that all your problems would be over. We have to remember, we did not get in this situation overnight and we will not be delivered overnight. He does promise to give us strength and hope to fight the battles are in daily. If we take the time and realize when we gave ourselves to Him that He is rebuilding us from the inside out, but we do have responsibilities in this walk through our troubles.  We have to make some changes in our lives to truly follow God and recognize the work that He is doing. 
The first thing we must do is start a new habit of reading and studying God's word. This is the best way to keep His promises in our heart, because that is where change truly begins. When you are building a house you must start with a solid foundation. Would you build a house on sand or a rock? You must submit yourself to recovery in God, resist the devil and he will flee.( James 4:7 ) Study with prayer will be the path that will lead you to true freedom. 

            Next, we must remember that you will continue to have struggles; but your walk will be used by God to deliver someone else you may not even know, because of your testimony of deliverance. (1 Peter 5:10) The God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will Himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. This is a promise and this is an example of us learning how to exercise faith in God's promises daily.

            The final step we must remember is in 1 Corinthians 15:33. “Don't be mislead; bad company corrupts good character.”  If you are spending time with people you think our your friends and they are not a positive force in your recovery then run don't walk away from them, because we all know misery loves company.  When we make major life changes we can’t do it alone, we can’t move forward with an anchor around our neck. Jesus defines a friend as someone who is willing to lay down their life for you. Follow this as an example to make friends and you will be so strong and life will change for you.  
            So in closing read your Bible, practice your faith and stay around people who want to watch you succeed and that empower you. This is a recipe for success for all of God's children not just addicts.  

                                                                                        God bless you
                                                                                         God loves you.